orbit around Darß - A photo-report
Well, quite a trip around us then is not it succeeded. Nevertheless, we spent the whole day with perfect weather, move. Here is a small selection of pictures ...
Once at the Darß explains the director planned route until then.
Let's go.
After a short time: the first beach.
Our bikes, two of them from the bike rentals, even a GT here, who would have thought.
After so much water you have already 'views on toilet ...
No beach, but a stunning cliff.
time for a little snack - roast pork with sauerkraut on the bread.
death to the photographer - it was windy äuerst.
The first bicycles. As you can see, still very prone to wear.
Hihi, what is there so funny?
The nearest beach ...
Darß ... The final frontier ...
Cheffe has everything under control.
water refilling On a campsite.
is an expert at ... at least it was not rack
architecture as Astrid Lindgren ...
The LEGO house.
small stop at a biker. Now know I finally know why the name. "
, what happened to the others?
The weather.
The stupid swing bridge. Here was the first time for 'ne good half-hour final, which led, among other things, that we missed our connecting train.
Our train is gone. Two hours wait.
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