Saturday, September 4, 2010

My Stool Is Dark Brown

"... a drunken land is much easier to govern. True Story."

seats popping up, roommates, eating gummy bears feed, Jelly Beans and listening to music makes the long term rather hungry. Who does not know? Sure thing, then, from the canteen! Now it happened that the cafeteria was just opened on the day I arrived, brand new building. The distance is overcome with 1-2 minutes and if one of them quite meters at 35 ° C, already neatly into juices has come to be on the air already welcomed.
So purely in the temples and marvel at Rice: Crisp white table and chairs, sofas, a bar on the top floor (only available to employees of the ICU - € 15,000 tuition fees are so well spent) a coffee bar and then Food expenditure . Daily " Italian Food " what time pizza and pasta selections are times daily a " Rice & Curry " area and two menus. 300 yen so slightly around the € 2.80 it is cheaper than even cooked.

would think like "Oh yes I am here now plagued with a description of a standard canteen - I can devote myself to better reflect the Hartz 4 TV." I like the course only reverse: "With no means !"
So what makes this new building? Sure, the Japanese courts and that most of it is quite healthy and yet here we Deibel to come out no Currywurst with chips Mayo place and the question of the Manta plate remains unanswered. Two other things that I feel worth it encounters them in chronological order.
  1. After his tray has fully provided the cash is expected, but far from it. Once eaten in peace and it is confident of the moral values of the students that they do not get up after eating and just looking into the distance. (Preview: "In God we trust and swear to obey the we human rights declaration of the United Nations "- because gibbet still leading to,.)) It therefore is paid for the meal with a conventional cafeteria Card I would be really interested in whether work as a model in Germany would
  2. are in the cafeteria there is no cashiers and no machines which I communicate! I've eaten everything. There are computers and sensors. So I Place the tablet under one of the computers and the determined For the first time which court I had, how much I've eaten it in about and depending on how many calories, vitamins, minerals, etc. I have taken to me. At least the recognition of the courts I think this is a trick and insinuating that RFID chips are used which are trained in the cup - to stay there on the ball and the story will come to the wash.
So this is the cafeteria. Note to Rule - Mama: I will be here all week supplied with breakfast, lunch and dinner. May 9 - 22 see the clock Bistro and certainly will not starve - as long as you continually fills me my credit card account :). It's up to you.

Next in text: Hanging around having a coffee and getting to know each other . Quite interesting bunch of running around here. Add to my roommates Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Filipinos , Mexicans, Uruguayans count, Canadians, Americans, Frenchmen, Englishmen, Russians - at times NEN overview to give. Global House fits so well. Spoken is primarily English and Japanese, is running.

The evening: To gain an impression of times how unfair this country is expensive, it is best to bear in mind that much is a case of beer [ ビール] (befitting of doses) in the supermarket 45 €. What do you wonder - seems already to have thought a Japanese and has happoshu (発 泡酒) invented. If I understood correctly in happoshu reduced the proportion of hops and thus avoid high taxes. Those we call them benevolent, dishwater only costs 25-30 €. Main use is at the same time was beer pong because with the way the tax is a way around the good taste displayed.
Since you would rather take that for 45 €, which after all brewed according to German Purity Law was! Sometimes.
anchor light and on to large carriers said in the evening in one of the Units - NEN frame Pils beer was dragged, then another (thanks to the fact is that we set great store in Tokyo on 24 / 7, here you go and pull always reload - horny country) and there staring away is hardly the first half of the people close as ne howitzer. One should not fool themselves as nothing, some of the guys and gals tolerate anything. Nothing. Clear that one can not complain that beer is so expensive when you look to NEM liters of it already sees the man with the hammer to come up. Who proved to be steadfast against beer was but with Sake ( 酒), wine, Whiskey , Grappa and last not a good bottle handpicked least Polish vodkas with 95% brought to heel.
I'm old - very old! My dull and due to my 24 years already weak eyes and my ears nurnoch rushing noticed that hardly anyone reaches my age. It starts here with tender 17 years, with the average of two " Rotary Club "peace researchers with 47 and 30 years, but moved again. Get peace researchers later times pay NEN visit and NEN make photo of the guys , for I am is the one sure Tim Allen (Tim Taylor the DIY King ) or brother to Ner round " Super Size Me ." Of course white I age to my advantage to use and are therefore not every 5 minutes on the idea of me one of the 95% accelerator to a ridiculed yew (or Looping Louie New Year's Eve to play with Strohrum) - but if one With its 17-20 Lenzen from the land of dreams in the land of smiles is the first time and ne "WG-Party" join in the other hand, looks often different. Rookie mistakes - but learning by doing, "cast off" from there.

The next morning started on time at 8 clock our introduction week - preparation: 3 hours sleep . But that's another story. :)


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