Saturday, January 1, 2011

Heater Harmon Friend Brooke

Exkurs: How To Conquer Korea... III

Merry Christmas Germany! I wish you had a nice party, in case you have not spoken in time. Hopefully it could have been a few days relaxing with friends and family and the winter a lot be gained. I will be here so just happened telecommunicative but global warming has probably anywhere else.

I can report that I have spent Christmas radiant in Hiroshima. On 24 th it went to the Peace Park, Peace - Mueseum , Hypocentrum and rebuilt Hiroshima Castle . This principle is described Hiroshima. More Things did not exist. One should however have visited once, it is impressive and scary at the same, if you know that explodes runs through a park on which a nuclear bomb.
Christmas Eve was celebrated with Okonomiyaki restaurant. Since the values Americans NEN was day to celebrate later on the 1 Christmas appreciated. Kentucky Fried Christmas! Rarely I have been so over-saturated felt - probably similar to how the chicken about 3 have felt before they were slaughtered and brought to me for Christmas.

But actually I wanted to make last impressions of Korea to the man: In Seoul we have

just about every corner of the world attended. Imperial Palace, all three of them, the birthplace of Christianity in Korea, street markets, universities, National Museum and Kriegsgedänkstätten . Overall, a Seoul but a lot of attractions. The most you can watch for free, or now and then for 1000 to 1500 Won , but then with English-speaking tour. Compared to Japan, I would describe the cultural sites, however, but simple. Mainly because the interior designers always a simple, pale, and has used red paint foreman got it to do with time pressure and worked from there even more quickly and easily.
are a few really impressive sites but it already, the Imperial Palace Changgyeonggung . Two other highlights were the War Memorial and the National Museum of South Korea. The monument describes mainly the events since the Korean conflict, suggests its panels for fallen soldiers, but unfortunately a lot of space for 60,000 more names. On the site can be war machine and memorials and visit. The National Museum has for some years in operation, one of the largest and most visited museums in the world for free (including guides and brochures in German) and for anyone interested in history, the journey was worth it. Compared to other German museums, only about 30% of floor space are occupied, but given the history of Korea's very detailed interested and again. Sun I know now that the printing has its origins in Korea and the Koreans to defend like to have resorted to wooden palisade back - work well, the fact that Korea was colonized throughout its history several times. (Photos online)

I think that has begun since the Korean War further Kolonialisierungsrunde . Right at the front are our friends from trigger-America, then Germany. Seoul is full of western labels. Starbucks, McDonald , KFC, Dunkin Doughnuts, Baskin Robins, H & M, Adidas, Levis , Nike, Puma ..... so you can go on forever. There are more foreign and Korean business it seems. The overwhelming Won can, as in the Big Mac index does describe the cost of these very low and to the Delivery is awesome, but all other Label have at least German, sometimes significantly higher prices.

The influence of Germany is in the many bars and pubs to recognize the best. Almost every store offer German beer! The madness to take 3 months again a cold Krombacher itself is very nice. German courts were also on the menu. However, when German sizes orders will still be viewed clearly confused. While likely to Pitscher with 1.5 liters of delicious wheat juice on the map, but indicated by four different people confirms the order again and again. In the best English understands itself. What a person is very pleasant but yet happened to sound funny, but where is the land of the Word-type characters. When we "Beer hall" for the second time and visited Pre-Game abused and six liters for 2-3 people in 45 minutes walked ordered the miners control over every few minutes at the table and checked our outward appearance seemed to me.

Sightseeing Tour 2 night is not at all. In my long and shaped by experiences infinite life, I have hundreds if not thousands, made with bus tours. She was in Seoul just outrageous. Seoul is welcome to some attractions in the city center, why do this on a bus tour - which will bring them closer to a just - to be avoided is beyond me. Of these, our tour to 10 major bridges is in the middle performed in Seoul and explains why the architecture embodies the one bridge friendship and peace and love and perseverance. The fuck!

is different was happening already in the DMZ (De Militarized zone) from. The DMZ describes a 2-kilometer-wide strip north and south of the border between communism and capitalism. The DMZ is a further, each 5 km wide security zone . In this extended zone, one can only with permission, no matter what nationality you have. In the DMZ Sixteen by appointment and only if one of the selected Nations is a member. It will be checked upon entry into the zone, identify needs to be appropriately dressed and the border guards better not offend. In the DMZ can visit including four tunnels of the attack Nordier . The largest is about 55 km from Seoul and would have been able to over 10,000 soldiers per hour behind the defenses and to the gates of Seoul to bring. Here, special emphasis must be on the "North Koreans" will be added, then the tunnel is about 1.60 meters in high and average Westerners only in the squat really passable. In principle, the discovery of the tunnel has been lucky. Furthermore, there is a train station, at some point between north and south again to drive cars, yet also the joint Militarized Zone. divide the middle of the border, and Nordier Suedi a military camp, which operates as the only direct diplomatic link between North and South. In one of the Geböude can make NEN few meters to the north. The soldiers in the joint Militarized Zone are all from the guard, and rather nervous. Course, if you consider that have the Nordier few years ago made two UN soldiers with axes down just because a tree in wanted to make this zone.
Furthermore, it is in the DMZ two villages, one was awarded to the South after the last cease-fire and one that was built by North Korea to a village in the DMZ have. The latter is and was always empty, as the preferred Nordier mines in the DMZ bury . Both villages were equipped with a huge flagpole. The North Korean issue is 160 meters high and mounted flag so large that it needs a central tower to unfold. The South has, apart from the military positions and explains the same village, the whole area a nature reserve. So when we were

so cute in this DMZ (Nov 23, 2010) began the Nordier last time to shoot back at around. The tension was felt by all. The streets of Seoul were partially filled with police officers every 50 feet and the military. Especially near the government building the scene with security forces was packed. The U.S. Embassy was also screened with armored cars. To demand what the guys as well would protect at least a very young policeman felt very uncomfortable. He decided to return more and more soft, and was almost on the street as we have the boy run. Jaja, we did a very dominant skipped with Korea. :)

is the end all I should report on Korea. It was a very interesting trip. If I should come back again I will focus more onto surrounding areas. Seoul, like me, even if the smell can be quite annoying . Right now I'm sitting in
Hostel in Kyoto and prepare myself already slow on the long journey to Shizuoka . There I will live with 3 friends in a Japanese family. I hope you had beautiful, exciting and relaxing Christmas.

a happy new had a year I wish also, in case you have not spoken to before. Thanks for the feedback e-mails and calls. I am always very much - will try and return quickly to report, if you can not reach me.

Best regards, D


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